Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weekend date night lovin

Guys... I love this man. On Friday were able to snap a few photos for a family friend, and while we were there I asked her if she could take a couple for us as well. (thanks Whit) She just took them from my phone and it took less than a minute but i thought they were really cute. I was also later very grateful that she did take them because it ended up being a memorable night.

Luke and I were able to go to the Draper Temple and do a Sealing Session. A Sealing is 
Another temple ordinance , in which husbands and wives are sealed to each other and children are sealed to their parents in eternal families. This means that if we are faithful to our covenants, our family relationships will continue for eternity. People sometimes also refer to this ordinance as “temple marriage” or “eternal marriage.”
In our faith we believe that we can be with our families forever. If this ordinance is performed there is no " till death do us part". You would quite literally be with your family forever. For those who have passed away, we have the opportunity to do their temple work and act as proxy to seal them to their families. 
For a few weeks now I have been feeling really strongly that we ought to go to the temple together. We hadn't been together in a few weeks, and I thought it was about time, so on friday night we set the date. You know I am a firm believer that if you are in the right time at the right place where you are supposed to be, you will be blessed. That we were...blessed. Luke served his LDS mission in Chile. Where he spent two years of his life devoted to Christ, serving and teaching the gospel. It was a hard two years. Away from family, friends,and many other things, but it was two years he labored in love. Love for the people, and love for the Savior.
As we got to the temple and started doing Sealings. Something very special took place. All of the families that we were doing the ordinances in behalf of where from Chile. It struck both of our hearts deeply as Luke had such a great love for those people, and the love I have grown for them through his stories, and through him. The priesthood holder who performs this ordinance is called a Sealer. The Sealer decided that because Luke served his mission in Chile, and there were several other people in the room whom spanish was their first language, that it was only fitting that he do the ordinance in Spanish. IN. SPANISH. ... These wonderful families were sealed together forever and were able to hear it on the other side in their own language. It was so special and the spirit we felt was so strong. There was so much love in the room, and after we finished Luke and I exchanged our feelings, and were very grateful that we were so blessed as to partake in such a beautiful experience.
 After we left the temple we went to our favorite ice cream place, Leatherbys and got our favorite dessert. "Amy's hot fudge brownie". A brownie topped with a scoop of ice cream that has been drenched in hot fudge and whipped cream. ( My mouth is literally watering thinking about it.) We laughed and joked together and had a wonderful time. 

The importance of family, and of continuing to date my spouse is so important to me. I am so thankful for my love. For all that he does for me, and to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

The church is true

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